ロボテック/Robotech 日本語/Japanese Wikipedia article VERITECH
ウィキペディアの「ロボテック」新規カテゴリー 『Category:ロボテック』内の、ベリテックに関する記事が興味深かったので、これから記事を引用します。
【 定 義 】
竜の子プロダクション製作の『超時空要塞マクロス』・『超時空騎団サザンクロス』・『機甲創世記モスピーダ』の3作品をハーモニーゴールド社(Harmony Gold USA)がライセンスを取得し、同一世界の異なる時代と世代を描いた、連続する1つの大河ストーリーとして再編集された作品であるロボテック版の拡張では、最初のOTMの導入成果である、地球製可変機動兵器VF-1 バルキリー (Valkyrie) は、可変戦闘機という航空機のみに限定された分類ではなく、より普遍化された定義として、「可変工学」"Variable Engineering"と「ロボット工学統合技術」"Robotic Integration-TECHnology"、つまり「ベリテック」("Veritech")による戦闘機("Veritech Fighter")であると定義付けされる。
「ベリテック」("Veritecr")とは、上記「可変工学とロボット工学統合技術」("Variable Engineering and Robotic Integration-TECHnology")の頭文字を取り短縮したもので、後述の経緯でハーモニーゴールド社(Harmony Gold USA)社に採用され、公式設定とされた。
しかし同時に、通称や固有機体(車体)名称の一般化呼称である最初の世代のVF-1 バルキリー (Valkyrie) ( "Valkyrie" )や、第2世代の「スパルタス」(Spartus)や「オーロラン」(Aurolan)、そして第3世代のアーマー・サイクル及びライド・アーマーの統合通称である「サイクロン」(Cyclone)や、車体名称である「モスピーダ」( "Mospeada" )、VFA-6「レギオス」 等の通称もしばしは言及されて、資料に併記される。
90年代後半に熱心なファンが同人誌や自作サイト等で、日本版の可変戦闘機("The Variable fighter")の略号"VF"に由来しながらも、翻案された他の2作品、『超時空騎団サザンクロス』・『機甲創世記モスピーダ』に登場する可変装甲戦闘車両や、可変オートバイ(Motorcycle)等、翼及び継続飛行能力を持たない可変車輌にも呼称出来るように腐心して後付けで考案された『バクロニム』(英:backronym またはbacronym)による元々頭字語(アクロニムまたはイニシャリズム)ではない言葉の各文字をとって新たに頭字語とした定義付けが、後に公式設定とされたものである。
The negotiator and reconciliation or mediation committee
The chance to choose the representative from both to adjust interests of both, and to reconciliation of interests of the trademark right is presumed not to be up to now at all though I might up to now have had "Hostile, indirect exchange" through the deputy lawyer for the lawsuit between the following two now though you who read my article think that it has already understood.
Therefore it is a negotiator and reconciliation or mediation committee which it to be necessary.
The representative people devise a condition and a method, means in the form of a contract and mediation / the reconciliation agreement so that trademark rights between both do not collide each other and must consider it so that influence of the commerce of neither after the conclusion becomes greatest.
Therefore it is a negotiator and reconciliation or mediation committee which it to be necessary.
The representative people devise a condition and a method, means in the form of a contract and mediation / the reconciliation agreement so that trademark rights between both do not collide each other and must consider it so that influence of the commerce of neither after the conclusion becomes greatest.
E.E. Smith's "The LENSMAN"and ROBOTECH
A strategy planning is shown about whether "The Super-Dimension CavaIry Southern Cross" has been employed as the material to which I advance this reconcilable produce why this time.
To pull "The LENSMAN" series has written by "E.E. Smith" against each other, I suggest it as a figure of speech to make the point of Robotech and Macross easy to understand.
After the pubIishingof original "The LENSMAN" series has written by "E.E. Smith"within the English range,adaptation Anime theatrical film
has opened to Japanese in 1984, the successer anime television series was also made, and the shape of the animation as the adaptation were different in the contents and composition.
An original work didn't become popular, but these adaptationanime series were translated and imported into the English range,and coexists with the novel's original works and the adaptation anime made by Japanese in USA.
1:"The Super-Dimension Fortress Macross" (the first television series),that concern about the contents of "Bigwest" and "Studio NUE"is serious,and on the other hand "Genesis Climber MOSPEADA" has been producing monopolistically in the contents and the budgets by "the Tatsunoko production" independence.
The time when I put "Macross and MOSPEADA" at the front of the planning for the spread in Japanese about "The Robotech world" as the first stage of the preparations to which the legal settlement plan go advanced, the public can't also deny a possibility that the Japanese trademark incarnation scared to be certain that confusion will misunderstand to the Japanese BIGWEST insist in the trademark of "Macross and Valkyrie" recognizes this as open interference ,and I may be received some pinpricks by the BIGWEST or Iunatic Japanese Original text principle fan.
The participation degree which is worthless and concerned with a work of "the Tatsunoko production" and the BIGWEST commercially at Japan from can't keep neutrality of the legal settlement plan, in The Robotech three works, there was necessity for which "The Super-Dimension CavaIry Southern Cross" even in other words fifty-fifty number one is utilized as a litmus paper.
2:That concern above,"The Super-Dimension Fortress Macross" (the first television series),the reputation and art-designworks are famous commercially.
And also have a low knowledge degree in Japan, but even "old film-works or models and transformable toy items " are the valuable "Genesis Climber MOSPEADA",its value commercially relatively.
Contrastively, "The Super-Dimension CavaIry Southern Cross" has the possibility of improvement development about producing a new film with two completed other films.
"The Super-Dimension CavaIry Southern Cross" has many components and examples which offer the key as the eIememts of working of the whole of "the Robotech Wolrd" , for example;
Protoculure(RESOURCE),The Flower of Life,The original "Zor Derelda" and one of his most famous clone "Zor Prime" ,The pollenater "Cha-Cha",Cosmic Harp and mistresses,The Robotech Masters,The Valivarre starsystem,Tirol,
Tiresians,The Southern Cross Army,Grobal Militaly Police.
To pull "The LENSMAN" series has written by "E.E. Smith" against each other, I suggest it as a figure of speech to make the point of Robotech and Macross easy to understand.
After the pubIishingof original "The LENSMAN" series has written by "E.E. Smith"within the English range,adaptation Anime theatrical film
has opened to Japanese in 1984, the successer anime television series was also made, and the shape of the animation as the adaptation were different in the contents and composition.
An original work didn't become popular, but these adaptationanime series were translated and imported into the English range,and coexists with the novel's original works and the adaptation anime made by Japanese in USA.
1:"The Super-Dimension Fortress Macross" (the first television series),that concern about the contents of "Bigwest" and "Studio NUE"is serious,and on the other hand "Genesis Climber MOSPEADA" has been producing monopolistically in the contents and the budgets by "the Tatsunoko production" independence.
The time when I put "Macross and MOSPEADA" at the front of the planning for the spread in Japanese about "The Robotech world" as the first stage of the preparations to which the legal settlement plan go advanced, the public can't also deny a possibility that the Japanese trademark incarnation scared to be certain that confusion will misunderstand to the Japanese BIGWEST insist in the trademark of "Macross and Valkyrie" recognizes this as open interference ,and I may be received some pinpricks by the BIGWEST or Iunatic Japanese Original text principle fan.
The participation degree which is worthless and concerned with a work of "the Tatsunoko production" and the BIGWEST commercially at Japan from can't keep neutrality of the legal settlement plan, in The Robotech three works, there was necessity for which "The Super-Dimension CavaIry Southern Cross" even in other words fifty-fifty number one is utilized as a litmus paper.
2:That concern above,"The Super-Dimension Fortress Macross" (the first television series),the reputation and art-designworks are famous commercially.
And also have a low knowledge degree in Japan, but even "old film-works or models and transformable toy items " are the valuable "Genesis Climber MOSPEADA",its value commercially relatively.
Contrastively, "The Super-Dimension CavaIry Southern Cross" has the possibility of improvement development about producing a new film with two completed other films.
"The Super-Dimension CavaIry Southern Cross" has many components and examples which offer the key as the eIememts of working of the whole of "the Robotech Wolrd" , for example;
Protoculure(RESOURCE),The Flower of Life,The original "Zor Derelda" and one of his most famous clone "Zor Prime" ,The pollenater "Cha-Cha",Cosmic Harp and mistresses,The Robotech Masters,The Valivarre starsystem,Tirol,
Tiresians,The Southern Cross Army,Grobal Militaly Police.
To the Japanese tredemark holder corporation's president
To the Japanese tredemark holder corporation's president .
(No mention harm to StudioNue copyright )
I talk about the reason why I suggest the settlement at this time.
This is a proposal of a concrete private settlement offer only.
Of course, the discussions between the two sides are not restrained to this proposal.
In addition, I am principles in acknowledgment of the existence of the ROBOTECH, but I have a question for the correspondence to the safeguard of the trademark rights on the Harmony Gold USA side, and the correspondence to Japan side's trademark rights and the copyright problem.
However, by a neutral viewpoint as possible as the article, I write down the reason by the end that I thought about for me here.
That point is become keys whether you made "the Harmony gold side" to arrive at the negotiating tables by which method persuade them.
On the other side to the Bigwest, I 'm disappointed Bigwest with the correspondence against a present United States owner of the trademark, there must be smart or wise way a little more negotiation or debete technique, though it is one side, and Bigwest side and " Studio Nue " sides' are certainly victims.
How this problem is solved because the work that becomes the object of sales as a commodity in Japan with the sales force only is not the other two works but Macross becomes the maximum solution problem now.
1;Mr. Carl Macek who was key person of the adaptation of in the Harmony gold side, he has gone.
Mr. Carl Macek is originally otaku shopseller of the west coast, he was employed by the Harmony Gold USA for the " Robotech trademark right monopoly" how much taking the place.
However, it is true that there was not a person who has the charisma for the believer like him, started Macross at the same time, and was hated by the original esteem sect either.
It is thought that the beginning of the negotiation came into view by the passing away of the ringleader who adapted Robotech.
2; Tobey McGwire's motion picture must be progressing.
Although it was cinematization of interrupted MACROSS or the ROBOTECH version "MACROSS Saga", when the talk of the spotlighting went up repeatedly until now, and a movie should go wrong in work, the fall of the brand image is not only ROBOTECH (" Southern-Cross " and " Mospeada " , new film "The Shadow Chronicles" ) but also Japanese first TV series successor Macross series in the near future.
For the following reasons, I guess the brand image fallen .
The loss points are serious to both sides.
The topicality of the movie taken from live-movie of the long seller animation works of Japan and the influence by the motion picture's impression, the eminent of actor and the actress played by themself even if the Japanese trademark holder denied that Robotech and how much differ from original Macross , that impression will surround, and attach with the people.
There is a failure example by work misunderstandings of "Guyver " and "Dragonball" , etc. in the past, too and though there are a lot of examples in which the work fails substantial, and performing for those who collaborate on Japan-U.S. because of the difference of the directionality of both works, I am judging that a next live-action movie film also has the difference of the foundation that the showing place in a short term of showtime, digested to not the borrowed idea the United States as long as narrowing doesn't make a mistake but them as my thing, and the possibility of succeeding is high.
If it is so, do it bring in to the reconciliation condition after it negotiates after the difference is admitted, and isn't it more intelligent to make the movie succeed?
(No mention harm to StudioNue copyright )
I talk about the reason why I suggest the settlement at this time.
This is a proposal of a concrete private settlement offer only.
Of course, the discussions between the two sides are not restrained to this proposal.
In addition, I am principles in acknowledgment of the existence of the ROBOTECH, but I have a question for the correspondence to the safeguard of the trademark rights on the Harmony Gold USA side, and the correspondence to Japan side's trademark rights and the copyright problem.
However, by a neutral viewpoint as possible as the article, I write down the reason by the end that I thought about for me here.
That point is become keys whether you made "the Harmony gold side" to arrive at the negotiating tables by which method persuade them.
On the other side to the Bigwest, I 'm disappointed Bigwest with the correspondence against a present United States owner of the trademark, there must be smart or wise way a little more negotiation or debete technique, though it is one side, and Bigwest side and " Studio Nue " sides' are certainly victims.
How this problem is solved because the work that becomes the object of sales as a commodity in Japan with the sales force only is not the other two works but Macross becomes the maximum solution problem now.
1;Mr. Carl Macek who was key person of the adaptation of in the Harmony gold side, he has gone.
Mr. Carl Macek is originally otaku shopseller of the west coast, he was employed by the Harmony Gold USA for the " Robotech trademark right monopoly" how much taking the place.
However, it is true that there was not a person who has the charisma for the believer like him, started Macross at the same time, and was hated by the original esteem sect either.
It is thought that the beginning of the negotiation came into view by the passing away of the ringleader who adapted Robotech.
2; Tobey McGwire's motion picture must be progressing.
Although it was cinematization of interrupted MACROSS or the ROBOTECH version "MACROSS Saga", when the talk of the spotlighting went up repeatedly until now, and a movie should go wrong in work, the fall of the brand image is not only ROBOTECH (" Southern-Cross " and " Mospeada " , new film "The Shadow Chronicles" ) but also Japanese first TV series successor Macross series in the near future.
For the following reasons, I guess the brand image fallen .
The loss points are serious to both sides.
The topicality of the movie taken from live-movie of the long seller animation works of Japan and the influence by the motion picture's impression, the eminent of actor and the actress played by themself even if the Japanese trademark holder denied that Robotech and how much differ from original Macross , that impression will surround, and attach with the people.
There is a failure example by work misunderstandings of "Guyver " and "Dragonball" , etc. in the past, too and though there are a lot of examples in which the work fails substantial, and performing for those who collaborate on Japan-U.S. because of the difference of the directionality of both works, I am judging that a next live-action movie film also has the difference of the foundation that the showing place in a short term of showtime, digested to not the borrowed idea the United States as long as narrowing doesn't make a mistake but them as my thing, and the possibility of succeeding is high.
If it is so, do it bring in to the reconciliation condition after it negotiates after the difference is admitted, and isn't it more intelligent to make the movie succeed?
The both advantages and losses under the present conditions
Harmony Gold Japan (now no exist , my suggested definision )
My " Facebook fan page " about both of the Harmony gold USA (Tatsunoko Production) to Big West Advertising [Studio Nue] side, I raise an advantage and a loss to get up at the time of the advantage of the status quo and a loss, reconciliation this time.
A: The advantage and the loss of the status quo ( " The Cold War " state by non-interventionism by the Territorial principle.)
★ The advantage to be common to both does not use unnecessary labor for further suit and reconciliation condition negotiations, and finish it.
1: " Big West Advertising " side [ and design related Copyright holder "Studio Nue " ]
The advantage
*They can avoid The first Macross television series in Japan, the equivalence of trademark rights of the Macross series of afterward or the confusion damage of the rumor by the resemblance.
The loss point
* The obstacle occurs that point of the export or distribution by the oversea licencer (for Japanese) occasion of the first Macross television series' successor, Macross Frontier (TV seriers and The Movie: The False Songstress, or The Wings of Goodbye .)across Frontia and so on , the sale circulation to oversea (for Japanese) countries of the Macross series of afterward.
* Because it is registered a trademark at the time of first Macross and 2 Macross 7 Trash" sale abroad American AD.Vision and American " Tokyo POP company " by the name " MACROSS " ( マクロス )", " U. N. SPACY " logo to the Harrmony Gold USA , an unnecessary expense burden produces it.
* A hindrance produces " Bandai visual USA " in thet latest macross series ( called by Japanese definision) " Macross frontier " to oversea nations development.
The Harrmony Gold USA side
[ ...and the donor of archetype for adaptation " Tatsunoko-production" ]
The advantage
* There is particularly no it.
The loss point
* It is not possible for the publishing translated issue " The wild-storm" company's digital drawing comics, " The Palladium books " translated issue Robotech RPG book " , that of the quality to be enough for the user distribution that the expert eyes user who were fertile with Robotech derivatives, the comics of the new artworking of " The Prelude to the Shadow Chronicles " or " The Shadow Chronicles" and sale to the Japanese area as OVA.
* The possibility that it is filed a suit at a Tobey Maguire live-film production start point in time by Japanese side trademark incarnation.
My " Facebook fan page " about both of the Harmony gold USA (Tatsunoko Production) to Big West Advertising [Studio Nue] side, I raise an advantage and a loss to get up at the time of the advantage of the status quo and a loss, reconciliation this time.
A: The advantage and the loss of the status quo ( " The Cold War " state by non-interventionism by the Territorial principle.)
★ The advantage to be common to both does not use unnecessary labor for further suit and reconciliation condition negotiations, and finish it.
1: " Big West Advertising " side [ and design related Copyright holder "Studio Nue " ]
The advantage
*They can avoid The first Macross television series in Japan, the equivalence of trademark rights of the Macross series of afterward or the confusion damage of the rumor by the resemblance.
The loss point
* The obstacle occurs that point of the export or distribution by the oversea licencer (for Japanese) occasion of the first Macross television series' successor, Macross Frontier (TV seriers and The Movie: The False Songstress, or The Wings of Goodbye .)across Frontia and so on , the sale circulation to oversea (for Japanese) countries of the Macross series of afterward.
* Because it is registered a trademark at the time of first Macross and 2 Macross 7 Trash" sale abroad American AD.Vision and American " Tokyo POP company " by the name " MACROSS " ( マクロス )", " U. N. SPACY " logo to the Harrmony Gold USA , an unnecessary expense burden produces it.
* A hindrance produces " Bandai visual USA " in thet latest macross series ( called by Japanese definision) " Macross frontier " to oversea nations development.
The Harrmony Gold USA side
[ ...and the donor of archetype for adaptation " Tatsunoko-production" ]
The advantage
* There is particularly no it.
The loss point
* It is not possible for the publishing translated issue " The wild-storm" company's digital drawing comics, " The Palladium books " translated issue Robotech RPG book " , that of the quality to be enough for the user distribution that the expert eyes user who were fertile with Robotech derivatives, the comics of the new artworking of " The Prelude to the Shadow Chronicles " or " The Shadow Chronicles" and sale to the Japanese area as OVA.
* The possibility that it is filed a suit at a Tobey Maguire live-film production start point in time by Japanese side trademark incarnation.
My settlement plan
This is the suggestion of the one of the personal reconciliation plan.
I become the key whether I let the harmony gold side reach the negotiating table how.
This problem solving becomes urgent business after all because it is only Macross to become the object as an article in a Japanese side.
Harmony Gold U.S.A and Tatsunoko-production side suggestion condition
The handling of the Macross series in the country of U.S.A., Canada , E.U. or others.
* Do not disturb " Bandai visual USA " export to the successor Japanese created Macross series (which has given a definition " these are ramification films of first TV series ", The Super Dimension Fortress Macross) of the Japanese juridical person having trademark rights.
* When they translate original Macross series, that's Japanese language into English subtitles or dubbing , and a local distributor sells it, it is similar.
Because, as for the trademark rights, a part over rightful claimant discretion is big in the U.S. federal law; a name of " Macross " , " U.N. SPACY " logo .
The abuse of trademark rights is possible about collecting the fee for use about the Macross name work group of the original without being concerned with trademark rights registration in the Robo technical center version about the company where a trademark registered logo mark of " U.N. SPACY " and wants to pray for reconsideration.
【The films, contains DVD and Blu-ray discs 】
* The carry-on of three titles' work s of adaptation that they already used a certain Japan original film for to Japanese soil is impossible. (So that because the impact of the picture is strong, the confusion of trademark rights happens.)
* The latest picture (after " The Shadow Chronicles" an so on ) is possible.
【A books and comics】
* As for the Robotech supplement comics (**) of the wildstorms' festivities company new work image,because of translation export they "specify that it is a Robotech version, and to mention a continuity with the Robotech and a difference with the original three titles design or military definition (Dimensions,Type, Service History, electronics, Armament, Development etc. ) in is enabled.
**" The Prelude to the Shadow Chronicles " contains
* They specify that it is a Robotech version, and they establish among the text or the explanatory note item, and the books such as mook or the T.R.P.G. book (Table Talk Roll Playing Games Source-Book) mention difference with the original original and original setting likewise.
【The toys, a models , fancy goods】
* " Toynami " and " Yamato USA " related toys or modelsi cannot do the export to principle Japan, but it does not disturb it that a Japan side producer takes over in the form of the tie-up ( c.f. Aoshima's The new century alloy brand toys ).
* The article that key rings entering logo mark is expected arranges the opportunity of the adjustment beforehand so that the collision of trademark rights does not happen.
(Because there is not the article which uses equal logo mark for the Japanese side in the "Mospeada", "Southern Cross", "The Shadow Chronicles "-related in sig near at present, the trademark rights do not collide, but, in Macross, trademark rights collide, but, as for the entering logo mark article of the Macross connection, it is done consideration in sake unless it is possible for only tie-up sale by the taking care of of the Japan side distributor.)
I become the key whether I let the harmony gold side reach the negotiating table how.
This problem solving becomes urgent business after all because it is only Macross to become the object as an article in a Japanese side.
Harmony Gold U.S.A and Tatsunoko-production side suggestion condition
The handling of the Macross series in the country of U.S.A., Canada , E.U. or others.
* Do not disturb " Bandai visual USA " export to the successor Japanese created Macross series (which has given a definition " these are ramification films of first TV series ", The Super Dimension Fortress Macross) of the Japanese juridical person having trademark rights.
* When they translate original Macross series, that's Japanese language into English subtitles or dubbing , and a local distributor sells it, it is similar.
Because, as for the trademark rights, a part over rightful claimant discretion is big in the U.S. federal law; a name of " Macross " , " U.N. SPACY " logo .
The abuse of trademark rights is possible about collecting the fee for use about the Macross name work group of the original without being concerned with trademark rights registration in the Robo technical center version about the company where a trademark registered logo mark of " U.N. SPACY " and wants to pray for reconsideration.
【The films, contains DVD and Blu-ray discs 】
* The carry-on of three titles' work s of adaptation that they already used a certain Japan original film for to Japanese soil is impossible. (So that because the impact of the picture is strong, the confusion of trademark rights happens.)
* The latest picture (after " The Shadow Chronicles" an so on ) is possible.
【A books and comics】
* As for the Robotech supplement comics (**) of the wildstorms' festivities company new work image,because of translation export they "specify that it is a Robotech version, and to mention a continuity with the Robotech and a difference with the original three titles design or military definition (Dimensions,Type, Service History, electronics, Armament, Development etc. ) in is enabled.
**" The Prelude to the Shadow Chronicles " contains
* They specify that it is a Robotech version, and they establish among the text or the explanatory note item, and the books such as mook or the T.R.P.G. book (Table Talk Roll Playing Games Source-Book) mention difference with the original original and original setting likewise.
【The toys, a models , fancy goods】
* " Toynami " and " Yamato USA " related toys or modelsi cannot do the export to principle Japan, but it does not disturb it that a Japan side producer takes over in the form of the tie-up ( c.f. Aoshima's The new century alloy brand toys ).
* The article that key rings entering logo mark is expected arranges the opportunity of the adjustment beforehand so that the collision of trademark rights does not happen.
(Because there is not the article which uses equal logo mark for the Japanese side in the "Mospeada", "Southern Cross", "The Shadow Chronicles "-related in sig near at present, the trademark rights do not collide, but, in Macross, trademark rights collide, but, as for the entering logo mark article of the Macross connection, it is done consideration in sake unless it is possible for only tie-up sale by the taking care of of the Japan side distributor.)
Tatsunoko VS Bigwest in Japan court
Because it is not smart to speak copyright and trademark or licence, bigwest(the design pass through a "Studio Nue") side and Harmony Gold USA (Tatsunoko-production) side which I sold a right to) composition to fight against suddenly, I talk as an opening act.
In addition, " The Super Dimension Fortress Macross " and other two works of " The Super Dimension Calvary Southern Cross" that a bigwest possesses copyright among three films which Tatsunoko-production sold, but so far there is not the fact sued at a court of law because the latter is a work valueless commercially in Japanese soil.
As for the "Genesis Climber MOSPEADA " works, "studio Artmic" which went bankrupt in 1997 has Tatsunoko-production, the design, and AIC (Anime International Co. , Inc.) succeeds it now, but there is no problem.
【The judge in Japan court conclusion】
About " The Super Dimension Fortress Macross " ( only as for the first TV series )
1: Work in itself takes warning by a budget about the production and participation, and Tatsunoko-production has a right.
2: Bigwest (the design pass through a studio Nue) owns a design of SDF Macross (the first TV series) and the right of the Macross series of the next.
★ The Super Dimension Calvary Southern Cross?
Because there was not it in the trial object, I am missing.
The Tatsunoko-production inside staff, but, as for the mechanical design, as for the work production, a big west, both Tatsunoko-production mention a work in the homepage in "Ammonite" ( The designers Hiroshi Ogawa, Mr. Hiroshi Okura Shun, Takashi Ono).
About Robotech the problems are one more the points where there is already nothing, and Harmony Gold USA. (Tatsunoko-production sold the right to the original titles offer in its turn) has , broadcast of the adaptation version " Robotech version" of " The Super Dimension Calvary Southern Cross" and "Genesis Climber Mospeada", that development titles, the sequel to continuation of the titles or productions right (contains Tobey Maguire's live film from Robotech; The Macross saga) in the whole world except Japan to " The Super Dimension Fortress Macross " (the first TV series).
In addition, " The Super Dimension Fortress Macross " and other two works of " The Super Dimension Calvary Southern Cross" that a bigwest possesses copyright among three films which Tatsunoko-production sold, but so far there is not the fact sued at a court of law because the latter is a work valueless commercially in Japanese soil.
As for the "Genesis Climber MOSPEADA " works, "studio Artmic" which went bankrupt in 1997 has Tatsunoko-production, the design, and AIC (Anime International Co. , Inc.) succeeds it now, but there is no problem.
【The judge in Japan court conclusion】
About " The Super Dimension Fortress Macross " ( only as for the first TV series )
1: Work in itself takes warning by a budget about the production and participation, and Tatsunoko-production has a right.
2: Bigwest (the design pass through a studio Nue) owns a design of SDF Macross (the first TV series) and the right of the Macross series of the next.
★ The Super Dimension Calvary Southern Cross?
Because there was not it in the trial object, I am missing.
The Tatsunoko-production inside staff, but, as for the mechanical design, as for the work production, a big west, both Tatsunoko-production mention a work in the homepage in "Ammonite" ( The designers Hiroshi Ogawa, Mr. Hiroshi Okura Shun, Takashi Ono).
About Robotech the problems are one more the points where there is already nothing, and Harmony Gold USA. (Tatsunoko-production sold the right to the original titles offer in its turn) has , broadcast of the adaptation version " Robotech version" of " The Super Dimension Calvary Southern Cross" and "Genesis Climber Mospeada", that development titles, the sequel to continuation of the titles or productions right (contains Tobey Maguire's live film from Robotech; The Macross saga) in the whole world except Japan to " The Super Dimension Fortress Macross " (the first TV series).
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