To the Japanese tredemark holder corporation's president .
No mention harm to StudioNue copyright )
I talk about the reason why I suggest the settlement at this time.
This is a proposal of a concrete private settlement offer only.
Of course, the discussions between the two sides are not restrained to this proposal.
In addition, I am principles in acknowledgment of the existence of the ROBOTECH, but I have a question for the correspondence to the safeguard of the trademark rights on the Harmony Gold USA side, and the correspondence to Japan side's trademark rights and the copyright problem.
However, by a neutral viewpoint as possible as the article, I write down the reason by the end that I thought about for me here.
That point is become keys whether you made "the Harmony gold side" to arrive at the negotiating tables by which method persuade them.
On the other side to the Bigwest,
I 'm disappointed Bigwest with the correspondence against a present United States owner of the trademark, there must be smart or wise way a little more negotiation or debete technique, though it is one side, and Bigwest side and " Studio Nue " sides' are certainly victims.
How this problem is solved because the work that becomes the object of sales as a commodity in Japan with the sales force only is not the other two works but Macross becomes the maximum solution problem now.
1;Mr. Carl Macek who was key person of the adaptation of in the Harmony gold side, he has gone.
Mr. Carl Macek is originally otaku shopseller of the west coast, he was employed by the Harmony Gold USA for the " Robotech trademark right monopoly" how much taking the place.
However, it is true that there was not a person who has the charisma for the believer like him, started Macross at the same time, and was hated by the original esteem sect either.
It is thought that the beginning of the negotiation came into view by the passing away of the ringleader who adapted Robotech.
2; Tobey McGwire's motion picture must be progressing.
Although it was cinematization of interrupted MACROSS or
the ROBOTECH version "MACROSS Saga", when the talk of the spotlighting went up repeatedly until now, and a movie should go wrong in work, the fall of the brand image is not only ROBOTECH (" Southern-Cross " and " Mospeada " ,
new film "The Shadow Chronicles" ) but also Japanese first TV series successor Macross series in the near future.
For the following reasons, I guess the brand image fallen .
The loss points are serious to both sides.
The topicality of the movie taken from live-movie of the long seller animation works of Japan and the influence by the motion picture's impression, the eminent of actor and the actress played by themself
even if the Japanese trademark holder denied that Robotech and how much differ from original Macross , that impression will surround, and attach with the people.
There is a failure example by work misunderstandings of "Guyver " and "Dragonball" , etc. in the past, too and though there are a lot of examples in which the work fails substantial, and performing for those who collaborate on Japan-U.S. because of the difference of the directionality of both works, I am judging that a next live-action movie film also has the difference of the foundation that the showing place in a short term of showtime,
digested to not the borrowed idea the United States as long as narrowing doesn't make a mistake but them as my thing, and the possibility of succeeding is high.
If it is so, do it bring in to the reconciliation condition after it negotiates after
the difference is admitted, and
isn't it more intelligent to make the movie succeed?